this week in Fantasy Football...
notice all the new names on this list. half my starters are on byes and half are injured. my team is falling apart. but somehow I keep coming up with victories (sorry Gwen! actually she would have crushed me had Peyton Manning not been on a bye.) RG3 kills me every week, and I would've liked more from my WRs, especially Gordon.
RG3:: 12.34
Terrance Williams:: 3.30
Josh Gordon:: 5.40
Stevie Johnson:: 4.60
Marshawn Lynch:: 14.10
Fred Jackson:: 9.90
Jordan Reed:: 5.50
Adam Vinatieri:: 7
Pats:: 10
total:: 72.14
opponent total:: 61.72
week 9:: win, 7-2.

I know! I thought I had a chance but my team sucked worse. LOL