Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Very Pinteresting

It's Wednesday! That means, tomorrow will be FOUR WEEKS since my jaw surgery.. a post about my recovery to follow.. But, it also means that it's time to share my top pins. Aren't y'all excited?! :)

My Top Pins::

I wish this was my backyard.

bobby pins in a tic-tac box.. so simple, yet so creative.

Mr. Joseph Gordon-Levitt. enough said.

I thought this was creative.. being a small town girl, and all.

frozen hashbrowns, sour cream, ranch dip, bacon, and cheddar cheese.. need I say more?

 ^I haven't tried these yet, but I sure as hell want to!

so normally I do five and stop, but I had to share this as well.. my mom and I laughed forever at this.
My cat, Boots, does things like this all the time.

 And, I couldn't resist sharing this either..
A bath mat that turns red when wet. Is it weird that I LOVE this??

Well, those are my top pins from the week. Happy Wednesday!

life is good


  1. That bath mat is creepy and awesome at the same time. I actually really want it! I've made that hash brown dish, and let me tell you, it's AMAZING. Seriously, make it. ASAP

    1. I cannot wait to try it! looks delish, I'll blog about it when I do!


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