Friday, October 5, 2012

"You keep a horse in the basement?"

That quote is from the fantastic movie "The 'Burbs" -if you've never seen it go watch it. I promise you will not be disappointed.

Anyways, I woke up with congestion again. not fun. But I am loving this cold weather! We're supposed to get a few flurries on Sunday even.. okay, I don't think I'm ready for that just yet, but the 60s I'll take!

For this wonderful Friday I'm bringing you two of my favorite link-ups!

1) What album/CD/download are you embarrassed to admit you have?
     I'm not really embarrassed about any of my music. I'm a proud 90s kid so yes, I have BSB and Nsync, but that was part of my childhood. I also have various songs from Disney movies. But again I'm not embarrassed by it. If you don't like Disney movies or their songs I think you're the weird one, not me.

2) What's one thing your spouse does better than you?
     I do not have a spouse currently.

3) When do you start buying Halloween candy?
     My mom already bought it. She bought it, or some at least, in September. She'll get more for the trick-or-treaters when it gets closer to Halloween.

4) Family closets - yay or nay?
     If this means what I think it means, as in, the whole family shares a closet, that's a definite hell no from me. That's weird. and creepy. and uncalled for. No thank you.

5) Which home/cleaning chore do you hate most? Why?
      I seriously hate folding clothes. It just takes so long. It's annoying. I mean, it's 2012 shouldn't clothes fold themselves? Or dusting. I hate dusting.

 1.  The last thing I ate was    my leftovers from Joey's last night. An Italian restaurant in my hometown. I had the Chicken Bruschetta Pizza and it was delish, as always .

2.  The last time I went to the beach was  um, maybe last summer? I didn't go this summer. I really can't remember. I'm not much of a beach go-er .

3.  My last vacation was  actual vacation -Las Vegas in July. But, if you count going to Niagara Falls, Canada for a bachelorette party, then that, which was early August.

4. The last place I drove was    to Joey's last night, then home afterwards.

5. The last song I listened to was  whatever played on the radio on the drive home last night, something on WGAR (a country station).

6. The last thing I watched on TV was   Comedy Night Done Right! (The Office, Parks & Rec).

7.  The last time I said "I love you" was  while telling a story to Allison last night.
life is good


  1. Found your blog through Chelsea at My Pink Scribbles. I'm 4 days post jaw surgery, so I'm doing a lot of blog reading. Can't wait to check out your surgery posts!


    1. Awesome! If you have any questions just let me know, I'd be happy to help!

  2. I hate ironing but don't mind dusting with "swiffer" cloths.

    1. swiffer does make things easier, I will admit.

  3. I am a good ten years older than you and I have NSync on my iPod and I feel really good about it! Found you on the weekend blog hop


Thanks for stopping by! :)