this week in Fantasy Football...
having my RB, backup RB, and two WRs all on a bye, and my TE injured, it really hurt my team this week. thank God thats over with now. I mean, I almost lost to a 2-9 team that didn't even have a QB! imagine the frustration I felt Sunday night. it wasn't good. I really don't know what to do about Bush or my QBs either.. they're just not cutting it anymore. #FantasyFootballProblems
Andrew Luck:: 14.62
Josh Gordon:: 29.70
Jarrett Boykin:: 12
Terrance Williams:: 1
Rashad Jennings:: 12.20
Reggie Bush:: 10
Delanie Walker:: 4.60
Phil Dawson:: 10
Carolina:: 6
total:: 100.12
opponent total:: 91.20
week 12:: win, 10-2.

You're kicking ass! I was thankful to squeak out a win this week.