Thursday, June 6, 2013

drink drank drunk

thanks to my amazing drinking habits I was nominated for the Ivrester Award by Chelsee! woot woot!

before I get into the deets, I want to share this story.. the other day I went to the liquor store. I bought some fireball whiskey. I usually get carded everywhere I go, even when buying lotto tickets, cause I look 12. but this time the guy says, "I don't have to see your ID, I've carded you before.. I remember you cause I see you a lot." --he probs thinks I'm an alcoholic. oh well.

Ivrester Award
-acknowledge who nominated you
-answer the 10 questions below
-nominate 10 people who haven't been nominated yet

1. What is your favorite drinking game and why? I'm a big fan of bullshit pyramid and ride the bus. oh, or beer die, that's good too. I pick those because you can just relax around a table with friends//family and make other people drink. it's fun. I also love cornhole and frisbeer.

Team Blackout, beer die.

2. It's your birthday, what's your idea of a perfect evening? I'd say go to an Indians game with my friends//family but since my birthday is in November.. I'll say.. have friends//family come over and drink the night away.

3. Money is no object, what's your drink of choice at a bar? typically it's vodka and lemonade, or rum and coke, but if money is no object I'd get something more fun like... captain and red bull, or a mojito, or a giant margarita.


4. How many times have you played the game Edward 40 Hands? never played it, I don't like beer. sorrynotsorry.

5. Take this quiz, what score did you get? 9 out of 20, 45%.

6. What is your favorite memory with alcohol? that's a tough one, I've had a lot of good times. all the country concerts, Lane-Rice Beer Olympics, OSU visits, there's a lot.

7. What is your favorite song about drinking? another toughie. here's a few that I like::

One More Drinkin' Song by Jerrod Niemann on Grooveshark
Chicken Fried (Album) by Zac Brown Band on Grooveshark  
also, I Like Drinking Cause It's Fun by Chase Rice and anything else country really (Toby Keith, JAldean, LukeB)

8. What is your favorite activity to do while drinking? I'm a big fan of sitting around a campfire listening to country music. or sporting events, baseball games//hockey games//football games. cornhole is good too.  

9. In your opinion, what is the number one party school and why? I'd have to say either The Ohio State University or Ohio University. I've had serious good times at both.  

10. When do you know you had too much to drink, what are your signs? my eyes get hit first, it's hard to explain, but I can feel in my eyes when I'm starting to feel it. I also get really talkative and say stupid//random shizz.

moving right along...
I have a question. when did it become June? cray.

I don't have a creative name yet, leave me suggestions!!

it's Rehab Monster (tea and lemonade), 

mixed with Three Olives Dude vodka. 

pour it over ice and you're good to go. it's quite delish.

linked up with Steph & Chelsee, and Kristin.


  1. This makes me miss drinking with you! Haha. I love those Cassie drunk-eyes! And I hate beer die so much. Lol

  2. Iowa is far superior to Ohio State!! And country songs really are the best to drink to.

  3. Haha they whole not getting carded anymore happens with me...kinda sad lol

  4. Congratulations on the award! :) I always get asked for my ID too and then I have to show them my German passport and they have to search for my date of birth. Haha.

  5. Congrats on your award!!! And as you know...Vodka Monsters are my 'ish!!


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